Anna and I had planned to go away for a few days in September, then October, and kept getting thwarted. November arrived, the time was booked off work, but neither of us had the money (or the energy) to go away away. So we decided to crash at my flat for a few days, do some shopping, make stuff, watch DVDs, eat lots… generally have an extended relaxing weekend 🙂
We wrote to Santa while looking at Christmas decorations:
Saw a helicopter tree I desperately want to buy for my parents:
Fell in love with some tree shaped sparkly lights:
Found some flashing tits for Anna *gigglesnort*:
And I made a wreath. Here’s me pretending it’s a halo (sure. but I can pretend!)
We visited Sudbury and had a lovely wander round all the shops there, and I also bought some vintage Pyrex bowls (squee!), some books and chocolate from the Cadburys factory shop. Can’t be bad. Was gorgeous to see her, fab to have four days in a row off work and when I go back I shall feel refreshed and hopefully at least a little bit enthusiastic! 😀
You can follow lovely Annie on Twitter –
It looks as though you guys had a great time! I love the christmas wish list!!xxx
wow, that was fast! we did 😀 missed you girlies though – I’ll have to sort something in January! (and I’ll be so impressed if Santa listens and we get a pony and a man each for Christmas – no idea where I’d put them!!) xxx
I hope he doesn’t cut corners and get you a centaur. He may be hung like a horse, but…. 😉
Brill staycation hope Santa gives us what we want 🙂 xxxx
fingers crossed! xxx
ps since when was your surname vuckerson?!