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Daydreams to do

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Inspired by the fabulous Annastasia at Midorigreen‘s 40 for 40 list, I have created my own. It was originally 30 things to do before 30 – but then I re-read it and realised that there are more than 30 things I want to do, and that most of them are fulfilling daydreams.  I’m not sure what this list says about me, but I am ridiculously excited for every one of the things on it!

So here, in no particular order, is my Daydreams To Do list…

1. Drive a horse and cart

2. Create the fantasy fine art photos that have been in my head for decades (in progress (NSFW) and in progress)

3. Outdoor dinner party (ideally hosted but I’d attend one just as happily, as long as fairy lights are involved)

4. Swim in a mermaid tail

5. Visit Fiji – and maybe even do some family history investigating when I’m there

6. Visit Samson and Bryher in Scilly

7. Go on holiday on my own

8. Gallop on the beach

9. Go Western riding for more than a few hours. A week on a ranch would be perfect, a weekend would do nicely.

10. Stay in the Library Hotel in New York. Try not to steal all the decor to bring home.

11. Go skinny dipping

12. Stay in a traditional gypsy caravan (ideally I’d buy one and put it in the garden, but I think the average Romany wagon is bigger than my garden)

13. Be a professional multipod. Oh hai, photographer-mermaid-mentor-stationery-box-owner… (2018-currently)

14. Visit a ruined castle

15. See Alan Jackson play live 6 March 2015. Indescribably glorious. 

16. Take a boat out on Coniston & Windermere, following in the Swallows & Amazons’ footsteps

17. Ride a unicorn

18. Be featured in a magazine  Japanese Performance magazine with Poppy, 2010

19. Have a pet in my life Clover and Luna came to live with me 27/11/13

20. Have a camper van or a boat… or perhaps even both! Working on a camper van spare room.

21. UK road trip

22. Have an enchanted garden. Definitely getting there – 2019

23. Run a tent at the Fling Fling Festival 6/7/13

24. Perform burlesque live  Fling Festival 2013 and Hogswatch 2014

25. Build a proper camp fire

26. Wild camping and/or sleep under the stars

27. Wild swimming

28. Go to a steampunk, fae or other themed ball/event. Preferably multiple ones. Hogswatch 2014. More to come!

29. Vintage events Goodwood Revival and full vintage dress 15/9/13  | Twinwood Festival 2016

30. Drive some more of route 66

31. Photography training & courses (Kerrie Mitchell, Aspire, Nicola Taylor, Brooke Shaden,)

32. Own my home – August 2015. Flickr album here

33. Live near water My village is on the water!

34. Be fully self employed. August 1st, 2018 to now, and ongoing. Squeak!

35. Learn silversmithing. BENCH Space, late 2019 and early 2020.

36. Meet an online friend in person. Serendipitously, in September 2015 | mermaid friends in 2016

37. Get rid of my TV licence  August 2015

38. Start a herb garden

39. Make a video for YouTube Mermaid one in 2016

40. Letterpress my own art for my home. I’m considering this one done, because I’ve done a letterpress workshop, printed some stuff and also bought a glorious piece as art for my home. Close enough!

41. Finish my five year diary and buy another one for the first half of my thirties. First one ran 25-30, second one started 1/8/18, the first day of my fully self employed life.

42. Completely fill a blank notebook or sketchbook

43. Have my photography published or exhibited.

44. Have at least one piece of art in my home that I’ve made/photographed.

45. Create a library in my house done 2016

46. Complete an online class (or one of the ones I’ve already half-done)

47. Make five projects from my Pinterest crafting board

48. Make five recipes from my Pinterest recipe and baking boards

49. The Great Declutter in progress

50. Learn to create and edit video in progress

51. Ride a set of fairground gallopers December 2015

52. Take a live photography workshop September 2015

53. Go kayaking. To the pub?!

54. Help with a beach clean

55. Have portraits done of Luna and Clover. in progress with the amazing Artist Philly

56. Have a photoshoot with Luna and Clover. January 2019 with the lovely Sarah Wayte before she emigrated.

Updated 16.12.19 – lots more crossed off, probably lots more to add – I’ll see!