Since I blogged properly. Life has been utterly mad in the last couple of weeks, and my feet don’t seem to have touched the ground!
I’ve managed a Happy Thursdays post, and that’s probably the best summary of my life at the moment… lots of small things that make me smile and one massive thing that made me the happiest I’ve ever been, which I’m still trying to adjust from. Got my camera back in the post from the other team on Friday evening, with all their photos – I’m still to look through them, can’t quite bear to look as they’re the last I’ll have (apart from when Justin posts his on the StreetSafari site I suppose).
Had an eventful weekend, we surprised a dear family friend in Surrey for her 60th birthday on Saturday, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone quite so taken aback, bless her! Was incredibly lovely to see her, and she took us to Hobbycraft too (well, we didn’t want to interrupt the plans she already had for the day, now did we?!) – so I stocked up on things for the Curiosity Project and a few bits for personal stuff I’d like to do soon.
Then headed off to see some more friends, had a late lunch, helped out with a website holding page and drove home again.
This morning we had a lovely leisurely breakfast, then drove over to get some oil and a filter, and lovely Dad did my oil change for me while I sorted out the rest of the website stuff I’d started for Gary yesterday… have had to leave my car at home this week so it can have an MOT, Mum brought me home but it feels ever so odd not to have her parked outside 🙁
On the plus side, I did get back to parcels from Rob and Chloe… Rob’s ensured my camera has a lens cap again!! 😀 and a rather lovely new card reader too, which is handy as my old one is totally knackered and a bit suspect (probably due to the abuse it’s received since I bought it five years ago, lol). Chloe is an angel and has sent me buttons (BUTTONS!! My favourite thing, well one of them) and the originals of the Rusty McLusty illustrations… squeee 😀
But after making dinner this evening, blitzing my (ridiculously messy – how does it get that bad in just a week?!) flat and calling Anna for a chat and to help with her first ever blog post, my doorbell goes. No one EVER rings my doorbell, so I was somewhat confusled… turns out it was Laura, with a flat battery. But of course my car is at home with Mum and Dad, so we had to find a random neighbour to jumpstart her car. Sigh.
So now I’m finally settled down with a glass of wine and my laptop, catching up on all the stuff I haven’t had a chance to look at all weekend. I swear my weekends are busier than my weeks, sometimes.
Photos and normal blog service to resume soon, I promise.