I made my goal/resolution list at the end of last year in a bit of a haze – 2011 was such a momentous year in so many ways, good and bad, that I struggled a little to find clarity in what I actually wanted from 2012. Here’s how I’m doing with that list so far…. I’ve removed the ones I haven’t done yet!
Personal goals
Build confidence rollerskating – do a LNFS skate before December 2012 – haven’t done an LNFS yet but am definitely more confident on my skates.
Focus on work while I’m there and my own life when I’m not – try not to let the two cross over – getting much better at this.
Meal planning – for budgeting and health – Probably wouldn’t have done without the diet, but have been really good for most of 2012 (holiday excepted)
Ireland rally (this has been replaced by canal boating, which is exciting!) – boat trip is in less than three weeks!
Sort out routines during working weeks so I have time to do stuff I want to – this is progressing, so I can fit in DF, skating, burlesque and stuff like friends, food and sleep
Dance class – yes! burlesque! now I’ve started I don’t think I’ll ever stop 🙂
Go to at least 2 ROC meets – if Rob’s birthday counted as a mini meet (there were 6 MR2s outside!) then I’ll have done this by end of July.
Learn to say no occasionally!
Do the Harry Potter studio tour – Julia and I are booking this for October
Creative goals
Learn a new skill, maybe on a course (sewing?) – have expanded my range for Ducking Fabulous, but haven’t yet found a course to do
Business goals
Learn how to photograph products well – I don’t know about well, but my photos for DF are certainly a lot better than last time round, and a few people have commented that they’re good 🙂
Have a stall with Louise by end of 2012 – we are in the process of shortlisting our fairs
Stock and launch an Etsy shop by September 2012 – yay!! one that’s actually fully done!
Go to Autumn Fair (with Lou, parents, Chloe…) – Autumn Fair I won’t manage, but will do Pulse this year and Spring Fair & Top Drawer next year
Blogging/social media goals
Post more than 100 times to Ducking Fabulous over the year (roughly 2 posts a week) – on average I think I manage around 2 a week, in bursts!
Promote DF and PPU blogs via Twitter, Facebook etc
Tablet for on-the-go blogging – yup, bought with Christmas money and has changed my life (well, the commute part anyway)
Sewing machine – I have a gorgeous one from Kim and one I’ve borrowed from my aunt temporarily. Mum and I are going to buy one later in the year to share.
25mm badge making machine – lovely Louise Craftyguider has one which I hope to hire at some stage this year
Not bad, considering it’s not quite May!