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Gadget wishlist

While shopping for boring electrical stuff yesterday, I might have had a sneaky look at cameras, radios… and also landline phones, weirdly. I appear to be showing signs of being a proper adult. Meep. Anyway, on my wishlist are now these babies:


cool cordless phone  orange phone

pretty cordless phones

Excuse the terrible photos – quick sneaky snaps on my phone while I was conscious I should be doing useful things instead! 🙂 If the orange one came in blue or purple… I think I’d have come home with it, £99 price tag or not. The Roberts radio is on my Christmas/birthday list. I ADORE it.

Christmas Wreaths

I know, I know, it’s only November, but I have SO much going on in December, I have to start my Christmas decorations early or I won’t get any up! I also spend the actual Christmas period at my parents’, so I like to enjoy as much of the Christmas spirit at home as possible before I go 🙂

I spent quite a lot of time last weekend, in between searching for presents and party dresses, trying to find a wreath. This, from BHS, was about the closest I found to what I was looking for, but I very much wanted some pink and purple in mine, to match the colour scheme (pffft – the attempted colour scheme, that should be) in my flat!




There were also a few of this type around:


None of them took my fancy, so when Anna and I were out on Thursday, I bought a pack of baubles from Asda and some contrasting snowflake tinsel from the 99p shop (oh yes, super high end, that’s me!). Got home, dug out the florist’s wire I bought two years ago (I knew it’d come in handy one day!) and over a few dvds and lots of chatting, I made this (please excuse the cheesy pic of me):


I’m really quite proud! :D