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Moving on out…

I have been absent! But with good reason – if you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or my other blogs (Teasets to Typewriters and Etc Collective), you’ll know I was unexpectedly served notice on my beloved flat and am now in the process of moving.

Dolls moving house, via Photopin | photo credit: Valeri-DBF via photopin cc

It’s… an experience! After the initial shock and sadness of being ordered to leave somewhere that’s been home for two and a half years, and the first place of my own, I’m actually quite excited.

Last Saturday the snow spoiled my plans – Rob was due to visit, I was going to London to meet the fabulous Miss Joyful, and I was intending puppy cuddles and maybe riding on Sunday afternoon. Snow put paid to all of this, so I had a lazy, snuggly kind of a day and read two books cover to cover. On checking my post at lunchtime, I found my notice to vacate, which didn’t improve my mood!  In a most un-Carla fashion, I threw myself into action and by the end of Saturday had booked five viewings and had a much better idea of what I was going to do next.

By this Saturday, I’d viewed a decent number of places and fallen in love with a house in Wivenhoe. Today, I’m dropping my reference paperwork off with the estate agents, and this evening I shall continue packing.

I’ll be sad to leave, but I’m hugely excited about the new house – it has a garden, a conservatory and a spiral staircase, space for my studio and it’s fifteen minutes’ walk from work. The village is utterly gorgeous – I’ll have to do a tour when I get there. No photos yet as it wasn’t listed online… it’s a wait and see one!

I’ll try and keep up the blogging during the move!

silly sites and happy things

Today I discovered Clients From Hell. It was both hilarious and comforting… lots of creative people have to deal with difficult people on a daily basis! I can’t even pick a favourite, they all made me giggle… go look, especially if you’re a design freelancer or a creative in a non-creative business. I guarantee it will make you feel better.

After the majority of the day was over, there was a team meeting which I couldn’t make partly due to being not that useful (I’ve not been here long and marketing is separate from the team, so I wouldn’t have much to contribute to the discussion) and partly because someone needed to stay here and answer the phones. I did a lot of work during this chunk of alone time in the office, much of it design (because it’s SO NICE to have peace and quiet and uninterrupted time to really get to grips with an ad – it’s almost impossible to produce decent quality design work in a non-creative environment when you’re asked to buy cake or book flights just at the crucial point when you’re having a breakthrough with whatever it is you’re designing).

However, I needed a break and so I had a quick nose through DamnYouAutoCorrect. I had forgotten how much this cracked me up – and although there were only three of us left on the entire floor, I still had to hold back the snorty giggles… and dear god, I don’t think there’s anyone or anything in the world that has that hysterical effect on me quite so quickly! Secret weapon for next time I have a bad day, definitely!

In other news, I’m waiting for the estate agents to get back to me on my flat – they wanted fees of £204 including VAT to produce a new agreement and re-reference me so I can continue living in the same flat I currently reside in, once Julia moves out. I don’t mind paying a fee for this service, but that is a completely ridiculous amount of money for sending a few letters and altering and printing a mailmerge document (the tenancy agreement). So hopefully they’ll come back to me with a revised, more sensible fee.

Have been drafting Things that make me happy Thursdays, and despite having been in a really odd mood for several days now, there’s actually quite a lot that does make me happy. I must try taking some photos to go with those posts soon, actually…

After work I had dinner with a very old friend who now lives in Germany, and it was gorgeous to catch up! We chatted till daft o’clock, completely put the world to rights (at high speed – there’s always so much to catch up on) and promised not to leave it so long next time. 😀