Happy Thursdays (mostly bicycle related)
My to-do list is growing endlessly. I have a hilarious selection of tasks on it (ranging from ‘buy feathers’ to ‘washing up’ – the glam life of me, hey?!). Every time I cross something off it, I add three or four more things.
However, in the meantime, things that have made me smile in the past few weeks:
Earmuffs that are also headphones. These have transformed my cold early mornings! (and yes, I realise I’m really slow on the uptake)
Discovering the CycletoWork scheme and choosing this gorgeous machine to get to work (well, to the station) and back on – now waiting for admin to go through.
An Alice in Wonderland bike ride through London, which I am desperate to try and go on. A little more here.
These glorious saddle bags for bicycles (can you see a new obsession developing here?!) based around saddles. Yep, horse saddles 😀
The concept of a coffee and cake bike ride in London – will be keeping my eyes open for the next one! (Might even start a Colchester version…)
My first Etsy sale to a stranger. Appropriately, it was ducks!
Dressing up as a parrot and celebrating a special birthday, and meeting some fabulous people in the process.
Burlesque class! I love, love, love it – the people, the dancing, the dressing up. It’s a fabulous excuse to see  several of my friends on a weekly basis, but even more than that I’d forgotten how much I missed dancing.
Dreaming I had mastered backwards skating and spins. I shall test this theory at the weekend.
Finding out that the company my Mum works for built the fans that power the life size Stonehenge shaped bouncy castle that is touring the country.
And also, continued weight loss. I’m still not enjoying it, and I still don’t feel any different, but I’m wearing a skirt today which hasn’t fitted for months, and the scales indicate I might fit into the dress by July – result!
All images link back to original sources.