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WTF, 2020?

I’ve been trying to write a post over here for some time. I still don’t have the words.

This is how I live now – on Zoom. Which has been a lifesaver, to be honest, even if I have spoken to more people in a week than I usually do in a month and a half.

We are in our first week of lockdown, and the world has gone completely mad. I’m having problems getting hold of essential medication for Gran, I can’t get shopping delivered to Mum, and I can’t go shopping because I’m trying to keep them both safe.

Yes, that’s more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION people trying to get onto the Boots website at half past ten on a Saturday night.

Ocado wasn’t much better earlier in the week – today I am just getting a “we have no more delivery slots” notice.

And it is breaking my heart, because some people will be slipping through the cracks. Never mind that every small business I know has crumbled to 0 income overnight, that every major non essential shop is closed, that the majority of the office working population is finally and suddenly working from home, that schools are closed indefinitely.

I’m lost for words – we are living through history, a serious and terrifying part of history, and I don’t like it at all.

I’ll try and post something slightly more coherent in the next week or so.