by Carla Louise | Oct 9, 2014 | Acquired, carlalouise, Postbox |

I wanted to share these fabulous postcards which arrived through my door recently from the very talented Chloe at Slightly Triangle.
Wanting to write me a note and actually put it in the post (we have an ongoing snail mail correspondence but we are both notorious for starting letters and not posting them till weeks later, or months in my case), she decided to use some of her paintings as postcards instead of waiting to get to the shops.
They made me smile just as much as what she’d written – and I’m very tempted to make my own for the return note!
With love and unicorns,

by Carla Louise | May 30, 2011 | carlalouise |
I spend so much time drafting blogs by hand in my lunch hours and on the train, with a pencil and paper, that I might start scanning them instead of typing my posts!
With the Etc exhibition ‘Reading Matter’ having just gone up, and my obsession with stationery and writing letters as strong as ever, I thought I’d round up some of my writing-related finds on the interweb 🙂
- Smythson stationery – I love it, it makes me happy but it’s so expensive I don’t own anywhere near as much of it as I’d like to
- Downey & Co – these guys make the MOST gorgeous invitations among many other things. One day I’m going to have the mother of all party invitations custom-made by Leo & Joe!
- The Paperie – beautiful journals, notecards, stationery in one droolworthy online shop!
- Moleskine – among my most favourite notebooks, there’s one in almost every handbag I own
I’m a bit short on photos this post, will try to add some this evening – on limited connectivity at Gran’s house and it takes *forever* to upload 🙁
I have several friends with whom I exchange regular letters as well as emailing, texting and phoning; and there really isn’t anything quite like the feeling of receiving a real handwritten letter to read on the train in the morning – instant happiness!
Another project up my sleeve for later this year is The Postcard Project, more about that in another post.
Right, off to town with Mum to add to my fabric stash 🙂