phone email

Strawberry Swap!

So I posted and scheduled this, or at least thought I did, last week. However, it has failed to materialise so I am trying again!

To date, I have done two previous swaps via Popular Crafts magazine (who featured me this week – squeee!) My first was the Union Jack swap, followed by the Polka Dot swap. I signed up for the strawberry one with much excitement and absolutely no clue how busy August and September would turn out to be – oops!

I was partnered this time with lovely Lynsey, who blogs at The Diary of a Novice Crafter and while we are both super-busy and rather stressed out, we have managed the odd email and tweet which is great – I love to meet fellow crafters and stay in touch beyond one project! (I have to say though, she’s not a novice, she’s bloody brilliant!)

Now, I have just about got there with my makes and will sneakily post them here once they are safely with Lynsey, but I couldn’t resist posting photos of what she sent me when they arrived yesterday – terrible lighting as I was out and didn’t get back till really late, but look how gorgeous it all is!!!

Here’s my parcels, prettily wrapped:


And inside, here are all my beautiful bits… hand knitted strawberry gloves (I adore these and will be wearing them to work the moment it turns colder); a beautiful cross stitched card that has pride of place on my mantelpiece; a strawberry lavender bag (destined for my clothes rails – it’s too pretty to go in a drawer!); and strawberry bunting for my bike basket! I squeaked when I saw this – so exciting! Pics of Bluebell suitably adorned asap 🙂

My treats are just as exciting – two dainty little pots of strawberry jam, Body Shop lip balm, which happens to be one of my favourites, and gorgeous strawberry stickers 🙂


Thank you so much Lynsey – I adore it all and it made my weekend! I hope you love all your pressies as well when they eventually wing their way over to you!

Aren’t I lucky? Did any of you take part? Post your links, I’d love to see what you sent and what you received!

Things That Make Me Happy Thursdays (part 1)

Stupidly late this week, and in two parts – here are some of the things that made me smile this week 🙂

  • making a lady’s day by telling her (truthfully) her dress looked fab on her
  • crocheting in a golf club!
  • the entirely unexpected beauty of the Pitt-Rivers & Natural History museum in Oxford

Just look at that ceiling.

  • the white rabbit in the Alice display at the aforementioned museum – I’m not usually a fan of stuffed real animals, but this little guy made me giggle

“I’m late! I’m late!”

  • Mollie Makes magazine – I treated myself to the first issue after a particularly tough day at work and it transformed my journey home into an hour of pure happiness!
  • Visiting my old school briefly, and realising just how far I’ve come since those days
  • Strawberries and Cornish clotted cream. In individual portions. In the Tesco next door to my day job. Win.


Lunchtimes don’t get any better than this.

Part two on Tuesday (yes, I know, that’s more than halfway to NEXT Thursday) when I’ve had a chance to get the pics off my phone – I’m using it as a photographic notebook more and more these days!