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Took this a couple of days ago on the way home from work. There are still patches of snow and ice around campus, and there were snowflakes in the air when I left the house this morning.

2013-03-25 17.22.56








And because it seems like an appropriate place to put it, here are some snaps of the new house in the snow. Wasn’t expecting to see it so soon!

  2013-03-24 12.30.282013-03-24 12.31.44 2013-03-24 12.31.51 2013-03-24 12.31.57  2013-03-23 17.47.08   2013-03-24 12.31.272013-03-24 12.31.14 

2013-03-24 12.31.21

And while it’s very pretty – snow, for the sake of the little plants desperately trying to grow in the last picture – please now DO ONE!!!

Wishing you all a very happy Easter… enjoy the four day weekend!

New home tour… the overview
Life in Instagrams and Happy Thursdays