phone email

September – the month I mostly:

Smiled about cuddles with a pug puppy on the way home one night

Met lovely new people at the fabulous Sophia & Jon’s wedding (no photos, forgot my camera, but it was a gorgeous day)

Loved rehearsing for next weekend’s cabaret night with some of my favourite girls in the world

Took on a project for my Dad in exchange for which he will write off the money I still owe him for Poppy – aren’t parents brilliant?!

Met new, wonderfully like-minded people through Escape the City

Worked on business plans, proposals and prices in response to a few exciting conversations I’ve recently had

Got tickets to the Free Range Festival (run by Free Range Humans)

Tried to resist buying enormous feathered showgirl headpieces

Bounced ideas, plans and worries off my completely amazing friends and family

Entertained at home – I’d forgotten how much I love cooking for people and having friends over en masse

Rode my cousin’s new horse for the first time (she was fabulous. I am no longer riding fit!)

Saw two burlesque shows (Proud Cabaret and An Evening of Burlesque)

Went to a tea party held by a dear friend and a hen party for someone I’d never met (both were fabulous)

Got Poppy through her MOT and service on time for the first time since owning her

(technically in October, on the 1st) Quit my day job! (for another one, which I think is much more aligned with my skills and what I want out of life. And isn’t in London.)

So yes. Despite illness and a lot of emotional wrangling, September was pretty amazing. Let’s see if October lives up to it, shall we?!

Happy Thursdays…

How can it possibly already be Thursday again?!

Happy moments this week:

~ a perfect weekend seeing friends unexpectedly

~ finally getting a chance to test-run bottlecap pendants – I have been meaning to do this for an embarrassingly long time

~ learning (well, remembering – I already knew) that good friends really are infinitely precious

~ anticipating meeting this little chap next week, and the kittens at the end of the month (no photos of them yet – they move too fast!)


~ leaving work on time twice and having a proper evening, including cooking

~ demonstrable geekiness

~ making decisions about Ducking Fabulous and Etsy – keep your ears peeled 😛

~ getting my artwork up, finally – it’s all round the flat and it really feels much more like home all of a sudden 🙂 just the studio left to do!

This weekend I mostly…

Watched: Neverwhere the play and Otto the puppy

Read: craft books

Listened to: my friends laughing

Ate: an absolutely stupid amount of chocolate, curry and twiglets

Drank: wine (but not from Atlantis, sadly)

It was completely gorgeous but almost completely photo-free… The only thing I do have is this rather lovely set of Otto.


Long dog is long...


srsly?! I was snoozing!


centre of attention during Articulate


with Auntie Sar (he belongs to her twin sister and her husband)

But lack of photos aside, it was wonderful to be back in Berkshire for a bit and to see everyone. Neverwhere was amazing and I’m muchly proud of Lou for putting so much love, talent and effort into the costumes. Kelly was fab as Lamia and I even found a previously unknown coincidence with a friend on Twitter with whom I share a hometown (and we’re both ex-librarians).

Back to the real world today… I was as unimpressed as Richard Mayhew.