It’s been a bit of a whirlwind couple of weeks, but here’s my list (one day I swear I’ll get round to writing these in advance and illustrating them with photos and things)!
- Two days off last week and spending the long weekend with Anna – it was glorious
- Pinterest – in among the madness at work, I’ve spent some time soothing myself with the gorgeous things people have found
- Driving to ease my stresses – it really is better than therapy
- donating to Movember – I’m so proud of the guys I know for growing ridiculous facial hair for charity
- wearing cowboy boots to work
- exploring new places
- successfully shopping on a budget
- making a Christmas wreath
- finishing my Curious Christmas box
- a lovely person suggesting a swap – I love swaps and am very excited for this one
- candles – they’re sparkly, they smell nice and there’s something very calming about candlelight
- twitter – my twitter mafia and other twitter friends have been so utterly lovely (not that they’re not normally) – a beacon of happy in the frankly ridiculous week i’ve just had
- late night texting
- a rare moment of almost silence in the Barbican tunnel – you could hear people’s footsteps, it was spooky
- my Twifts from lovely Louise (craftyguider)
- watching a pigeon fighting a paper bag and losing
- seeing the start of a possible romance on a broken train, while we all waited for it to get going
- my amazing sparkly shoes
- and very late this evening, a visit from one of the girls who lives in the flat underneath mine – she’s really lovely and I think I have a new friend in the making! 🙂
And after a pig of a day, writing this post has made me smile so I can go to bed happy. This is why I love blogging 🙂
Awwww. Thanks x
You brighten up my week too
😀 squee!