Wow, what a weird week it’s been! No photos, I’m rubbish… but photo-filled posts coming shortly!
First and foremost, launching Project Pin Up – more on that later 🙂
Posting my Life List and the reaction to it – everyone was overwhelmingly positive, which was amazing!
Crossing 49 things I’ve achieved this year off The List (which is what led to me posting it in the first place) Note to self: must find a way of showing the crossed-off things on Google Docs
Opening my National Trust magazine to find PG Tips samples – tea is a great soother
Reading the Burlesque Bible magazine all over again – it’s inspirational
Wearing a vintage dress to work (I must do this more often)
Starting to sparklify a battered pair of heels
Spending a whole evening crafting – it restored my sense of self
Making a necklace and wearing it the following day – I’d forgotten how good this feels
Staying with Julia last week, it was so lovely to see her and catch up rather than being passing ships in the night. She has awesome ideas for her wedding, too
I have friends at work… actual friends, it’s such a lovely feeling!
Rollerskating in the dark without falling over – it’s much scarier but feels like much more of an achievement afterwards
Sending my curiosity project box – more on that in another post
Meeting Dad unexpectedly for drinks after work today
Typing letters on my typewriter (all thanks to Dan)
Furniture hunting at the weekend, I had no idea it could be so much fun
And finally,wearing red lipstick on the way home as well as the way into work – it has unexpected effects!