phone email

Hello, lovely. 

You know life is too short not to do the things that light you up. But you’re not sure how to do it – or even what ‘it’ is.

You know there’s magic and sparkle and zest out there – but it’s not showing up in your life right now.

You long to do something more fulfilling with your days, but have no idea where to start.

And you have a creative spark but either no time or no courage to pursue it.

Welcome home, honey.

I know how you feel – I’ve been there.

This is a place for the curious, the creative and the dreamers.

I’m building what I wish I’d had when I realised I was sleepwalking through my life, and that there had to be another way. Happily, there is – so dive in and join me in creating life, work and happiness… on your terms.

Read the blog, take the free e-course Awaken and fire your creative soul, find out more about me and my journey or rediscover your wings through your inner alter ego. Make yourself at home… it’s so good to meet you.

With love and unicorns,




As seen in

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