by Carla Louise | Jan 22, 2017 | carlalouise, Postbox |
Considering we live in a heavily digital world, I still get an amazing amount of parcels through my actual letterbox – and this makes me happy. So I thought I’d restart my “postbox” series, with things that arrive, mainly unexpectedly.
January’s been a fabulous month for this, with:
A “dreams happen” notebook from Sarah and glorious crafty bits from Janine (ok, technically not post, in-person gifts, but still very happy making!)

A gorgeous unicorn notebook and happy note from my lovely auntie (who also gave me the pink “crazy cat lady” mug I am drinking from as I write this – she knows me well!):

Unicorn poop scrub and a book hangover candle from the gorgeous Annastasia:

NEOM energising hand balm courtesy of Naomi – this stuff smells incredible – they’re expensive but oh-so-worth-it (and they don’t even pay me to say that!) :

and a wonderful surprise delivery of threads from Judy!

There have also been some stunning Urban Decay lipsticks and some amazing decorative patches from Em, but I haven’t had a chance to photograph them yet!
It’s only three weeks in – I feel that 2017 is doing a good job on the happy post front, so far!
by Carla Louise | May 4, 2015 | Acquired, carlalouise, Gratitude and goals, Life Magic, Objects of Desire, Postbox |
I believe wholeheartedly in being able to manifest experiences and my life’s direction, but have always been a bit dubious about being able to manifest physical things I want into my life.
Happily, I have been proved wrong. Back in February, I was browsing the glorious Slightly Triangle gallery (mixed media art and illustration by the very talented Chloe Redfern) and found myself irresistibly drawn to her blackbird print.

I wrote it on my wishlist at the front of my daybook, made a note to check her shop when I returned from holiday, and didn’t think any more about it.
Then, last week, I had a text from Chloe to say she’d put something in the post for me, but had forgotten to write a note with it, so please don’t be too surprised. (Though we met online over a decade ago, we have delighted in offline communication for our entire friendship and often send each other random presents, not necessarily anywhere near our birthdays).
And when the parcel arrived… it was the original Blackbird in the Rowan Tree piece, signed on the back and now taking pride of place on my mantelpiece.

Isn’t he gorgeous?
I couldn’t have been more excited if I’d tried… and it was the most glorious surprise after a complicated and pesty week. And proof that sometimes the things you want most really do come to you – if you’re clear about what they are.
With love and unicorns,

by Carla Louise | Oct 9, 2014 | Acquired, carlalouise, Postbox |

I wanted to share these fabulous postcards which arrived through my door recently from the very talented Chloe at Slightly Triangle.
Wanting to write me a note and actually put it in the post (we have an ongoing snail mail correspondence but we are both notorious for starting letters and not posting them till weeks later, or months in my case), she decided to use some of her paintings as postcards instead of waiting to get to the shops.
They made me smile just as much as what she’d written – and I’m very tempted to make my own for the return note!
With love and unicorns,

by Carla Louise | Jun 29, 2014 | carlalouise, Memories, Objects of Desire, Postbox, Silly Kittens |
A few weeks ago, I spotted a post by my friend Chloe on her artist page on Facebook, of two hanging decorations which had been painted as portraits of cats.
After some excited squeeeee-ing and some emails backwards and forwards, my very own commission was in the works. It arrived last Saturday – and look how gorgeous they are!!
The parcel:

The decorations:

Squee-inducing extras (I adore Chloe’s work, and one of her paintings has pride of place on my mantelpiece):

And finally, Clover investigating her miniature self. Luna wouldn’t sit still long enough and has sharper claws, so I didn’t let her anywhere near her mini alter ego!

Chloe is an artist specialising in mixed media illustration – her work makes me squee on a regular basis, and we are hoping to feature some of her prints in Ink Drops boxes later in the year.
You can find her at Slightly Triangle, and also on Etsy (so much gorgeousness there!) and if you want to commission your own pet portrait or custom work, you can get in touch with her via her website or her Etsy shop.
I haven’t decided quite where to hang them yet – they’re making themselves at home on my mantelpiece in the meantime 🙂
by Carla Louise | Apr 17, 2014 | carlalouise, Inspiration, Life Magic, Postbox |
You might remember that a while back, I declared April 15 to be Give A Girl A Unicorn Day. (Complete with not-especially-well-designed Tackk page, and it’s evolved from “buy” into “give”. But you get the idea.) Having blurted about it quite a lot on various social media, I had a sneaking suspicion that my Facebook timeline might have a larger-than-average smattering of unicorns on April 15.
But what I definitely wasn’t expecting was this, in the post, by special delivery, when I was still in my dressing gown and really should already have been at work. (see? The Universe at work, right there). (Terrible grainy picture because I was so excited to open it, I forgot to take a decent one. Sorry.)

Inside were lots of American cat toys for my two silly kittens, of which more in a separate post, and a BABY UNICORN for me.

It was so completely unexpected that I laugh-cried my way through the box (I’ve not done that in years and years), and it turned out to be the best timing ever, as my Gran went into hospital on the evening of the 15th and the rest of this week has been rather more stressful than is ideal. (She’s recovering now, but it’s been a very odd week).
Both the thoughtfulness and the surprise of it absolutely made my week 🙂 I’m a lucky girl with awesome friends.
Special mention also to these wonderful unicorns which also popped up on my wall…

So perhaps I’ll make it a proper day next year and see if I can send it viral?!