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Happy November

Happy November, y’all!

I have no idea where 2011 has gone… but it’s been one hell of a year so far. Fingers crossed the last two months are as good as the previous 10 have been… minus the bad stuff, obviously.

In other news, StreetSafari’s 2012 season opens for registration at 10am today. They’re only running two rallies this season – Staples2Naples 10th anniversary, limited to 100 cars, and BABE rally (New York to New Orleans). if you’re interested.

I shall be on neither of those – I’m going to do Ireland with some of the teams from R2R, I hope… Christmas project is to see just how possible it would be to take the Micra… šŸ˜€

Right, back to work – and to daydream about Christmas!

r2r 2011

I haven’t dropped off the radar but I’m touring Europe in a banger this week – separate blog at and on twitter with hashtag #rustymclusty šŸ™‚ I’ll be posting here again September 12th šŸ™‚

Fear and exhilaration in equal measure

** Warning – waffly post, no photos and may not even appear because has been scheduled. My fingers are crossed.

I am having a feel-the-fear-and-do-it-anyway phase in my life at the momentā€¦ with a whole plethora of things in both my work and my personal life. Taking the plunge and just doing something, and leaving my comfort zone way behind, seem to be the order of the day.

This is not a bad thing, but itā€™s not particularly restful eitherā€¦ my naturally fretful side (which is usually eclipsed by the laid back, anything-goes side of my personality, but which does rise to the surface during times of stress) is having an absolute field day worrying and analysing and generally freaking out.

However, I am doing these things regardless and I have to say, afterwards, itā€™s a fabulous feeling! Weā€™re talking a relatively long list of things ranging from wearing red (proper red) lipstick and a vintage dress to work on dress-down Friday, to starting skating again, to organising the companyā€™s Staff Day (which is a massive undertaking I would have sworn I wasnā€™t able to do, but have actually managed ok so far, touch wood) to my biggest piece of madness to date, agreeing to go on this utterly mad rally.

Itā€™s going to be exhilarating and freeing and liberating, and it will be a massive sense of achievement when Iā€™ve done it, knowing I can drive abroad and sleep in cars and cope with not knowing the language and be in a different country every day and make new friends and letā€™s not forget talk to blokes on an even footing (as opposed to melting into a terrified puddle every time one approaches). There are all these positives and I am still terrified.

But sometimes, life really is too short not to do things that scare you. And that kind of mood comes around so infrequently (to me, at least) that Iā€™m embracing it and doing things I definitely wouldnā€™t normally.

On the list of things I would like to do while this mood continues are things like attend a vintage themed event, set up another collective, this time with a theme (thatā€™s an ongoing project anyway, but is going to take courage and luck to actually launch), finally get my shops back up and running, make a start on the book, read my old diaries, have a jumping lesson (on horseback), drive through London, etc. Theyā€™re all quite small individually but looking at the things Iā€™ve done, I do and I want to do, and comparing the girl I am now to the girl I was just a few short years ago makes me realise how far Iā€™ve come and how much I am, now, the girl I want to be.

Hereā€™s to adventure and happinessā€¦ and a healthy dose of recklessness! (Hell, Iā€™m in my 20s ā€“ itā€™s practically compulsory!)

What do you do thatā€™s unusual, that scares you or that you know might not be entirely sensible?

CAE 2011 ā€“ the ultimate epic weekend, 22-24 July 2011

Bit of a late post, but here goesā€¦

So first of all, CAE stands for Camping Auto Extravaganza. Which should give you some idea of the type of event it is. Last year was the third, and my first. And the first time Iā€™d met the majority of the club members, even though Iā€™d spoken to them all online via the club forum.

In the intervening year, friendship and bant has developed and I now consider them all to be friends and some of them to be close friends.

I had Friday off to get ready and get there, and Brad suggested I join their convoy from Birchanger Green services. So I got there ridiculously early and sat and sunbathed and read a book in the sunshine (and had a sneaky KFC for lunch!) while I waited for him, Jim & Karine and Nigel to turn up.

(Canā€™t find a pic of my car in the car park )

As it happened the traffic was completely horrific so I had longer than planned to read and chill out, but eventually got a call saying they were there and to head off, and theyā€™d catch me up. Knowing they were all in turboed cars, I did.

And spent the next 30 miles driving as slowly as I possibly dared, letting trucks overtake me and desperately looking in my mirrors for signs of MR2s coming over the horizon! Eventually decided to go off at a junction and over the roundabout to delay myself ā€“ got back on the sliproad and they all shot past me! But I beeped and theyā€™d seen me so I caught up, and then the drive got fun! (the traffic was stil horrific and there was lots of stopping and starting, but itā€™s fun driving in convoy with friends. Jim & Karine livened up the journey by dropping back and chucking jelly babies at us ā€“ hit my car but not me, sadly, but the thought was there!


We arrived in Peterborough about 4ish I think, although I was so excited to be there I didnā€™t actually look at the time. The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of chatting and hugging and catching up with people, it was so lovely to see old friends, and be introduced to new ones! It was also fantastic to finally meet the people behind the usernames Iā€™d been chatting to for so long J



Michelle and Ianā€™s place is beautiful, with space for us all and beautifully put together both inside and out. The pool was warm, the hot tub was warmer and they had two BBQs and several fridges for all our drinks J and a BAR!



Friday night was spent munching takeaway, deciding on treasure hunt partners (for anyone curious, this is the closest we got to keys in a bowl, lol ā€“ just names in a hat for who drove and who navigated the next morning!) and then drinking, dancing, swimming (Anna and I got in the pool at stupid o clock) and talking. I even braved the hot tub. I drank far too much, to the point where I flashed my floozies (only a little bit!) for Rob and Russ (and Luke ā€“ who I then spent ages trying to convince I was normal. I hope I succeeded!) and had an unexpectedly fabulous time ā€“ much better than every time I go out clubbing and try hard to have fun. I think I eventually went to bed about 2am, and did that really annoying thing where you try to be quiet and make more noise than you would have done normally. Oops.

Saturday morning was a convoy of all of us, which definitely ranks among the most exhilarating experiences of my life ā€“ was such a kick to see so many roadsters and other toyotas all together, revel in the looks we got and know that every car contained a friend of mine J (yeah, Iā€™m a sappy idiot, lol).



IMG_4407  My Poppy is the car on the very far end šŸ™‚

Then the treasure hunt was on, and we all met back at the house for a photoshoot and lunch. Look at the pretty carsā€¦

271363_10150731556690022_55(this pic courtesy of Luke Abbott ā€“ I failed to get a decent pic of all the cars together)

Took the opportunity to get a new profile pic too..


Saturday afternoon was really chilled, involving chatting, playing pool, reading magazines and in my case napping *blush*. I came back outside blinking at about 6ish and asked if Iā€™d missed anything. Someone said ā€˜yeah, youā€™ve slept so long Amy Winehouse is deadā€™. Which obviously I dismissed as the usual bant. Then realised it was true and was actually quite sad!

The chilled vibe continued into the evening, only with added alcohol, and I remember sitting at one point by the pool, lit by candles, laughing at something ridiculous (I believe spiderman pants and a drawing of thongs and mankinis were involved) with some of my favourite people in the world and just being the happiest and most content I can remember for ages.

198701_10150323884540242_51 L-R Me, Rob, Wills

IMG_4564 Hou in foreground, Anna and someone headless in background

Then we had dinner, then we drank and danced and talked some more, I dropped my duvet in a puddle, we realised it was actually quite cold and broke out the sleeping bags, and I continued drinking and got sleepier and sleepier. We had some ridiculous but wonderful conversational moments (and ahem, educational too) and I gave up trying to stay awake and went to bed somewhere between three and half three.

217589_10150323884780242_51 L-R ā€“ Jim, Luke, Wills, me, Beka, Karine, Brad


Anna and I having a silly moment in the hot tub


L-R Brad, Luke, Jim

IMG_4556 L-R Jim, Brad, me, Beka

Sunday morningā€¦ was mostly full of people ambling around sleepily, talking about the weekend and their plans for getting home. We had an amazing full English breakfast, then people started to wander off. Which made me really sad, actually.

So we said our goodbyes and promised to get on facebook/keep in touch/do this again really soon, and then Anna and I went and spent the afternoon sat in a pub garden talking about how lovely it had been.

Returned home, helped my housemate pack some of her stuff, and then settled down to the flurry of photos, new friends, messages and comments on facebook. Turns out that this year, itā€™s not just me thatā€™s soppily nostalgic about the weekend and would much rather it hadnā€™t ended. Everyoneā€™s struggled to get back to reality this week. And Iā€™d like to think that weā€™ll all stay friends for a very long time, having experienced it together. Thereā€™s not many groups of people I could have an entire weekend with without getting seriously cross with some of them at some stage. And Iā€™ve never in my life met so many new friends at once!

Best. Meet. Ever.

And I really hope we do another big one before next CAE ā€“ I canā€™t wait a whole year to see these guys again!

*apologies to anyone reading this who went, my words and photos donā€™t do justice to how awesome it was.

**apologies to anyone reading this who didnā€™t go, who is probably bored senseless. But really ā€“ if you do one thing this year, buy a Toyota and join us next year!

Things that make me happy Thursday

This is really all about CAE ā€“ the happiest weekend Iā€™ve had in a very long time.

Meeting up with old friends and making new friends
Swimming and hot tubbing at daft o clock in the morning
Laughing ā€“ I giggled so much last weekend
Driving with the roof down
Driving to the weekend in convoy and chucking jelly babies between the cars, while singing at the top of my voice
Having my best friend in the car with me for lots of the weekend
Driving with the roof down in convoy with 30-odd other cars filled with some of my favourite people in the world
Realising Iā€™ve achieved a lifetime ambition of having waist length hair
My new vintage-style swimsuit from Floozie

And then after the weekendā€¦

Buying a car for the rally ā€“ weā€™re definitely,actually, really going! It’s a 1996 Laguna – squee!
Impromptu shopping trips with Julia to buy exciting stuff for our new flats (well, mine’s the same flat, but you know what I mean)
Work is improving – I feel less out of my depth and more like I belong.

Happy Thursdays

  • a lovely colleagueĀ bringing us all rock from Brighton. ROCK. So summery!
  • getting the giggles (proper ones) with people in the office – maybe I do fit in a bit, after all
  • sitting in a roofless Poppy, stretching my legs after a skate, watching the sunset on summer solstice evening
  • Caitlin’s email which brought an actual smile to my face after a day of hell
  • Pink, purple and turquoise fountain pens for work, so they don’t go walkies (boys don’t like writing in pink, haha)
  • Theatre and dinner with my girlies on Saturday – completely gorgeous if a little bit bittersweet, I’d managed to forget how much I miss them
  • my accidental blue scarf – realised on the train my dress was much too low-cut, Sar suggested a scarf, I found a perfect one (blue paisley) in the sale at the station and it worked beautifully with the blue dress I was wearing!
  • unexpected drink and chat after work with a colleague/friend who made me feel so much better
  • a revelation about a postcard
  • my MP3 player is working again after a prolonged sulk – the music on it is a bit out of date but I can block out the pesky commuters!
  • I entered a competition to win a classic Pashley bike – crossing everything to win, I adore them!

It’s the simple things…

So yesterday was super-stressful and today I just had loads to do… and then this evening after dinner I put my outdoor wheels onmy skates, put the roof down on the car, drove up to the train station and skated with headphones in for half an hour. Then sat in my car looking up at the sky and the gorgeous colours the dusk was making, and I felt the happiest and most content I have in several weeks šŸ™‚

It really is the little things in life that make me happiest, I think.

(idiot me didn’t take a camera so will do my best to recreate the scene tomorrow evening when I get in from work…)

Things that make me happy Thursday

Ok, so I’ve missed a couple of Thursdays… this week I’ve been ill Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and off work Tuesday and Wednesday, so have had more time than usual to scribble stuff down that makes me happy.

  • Weddings. I love wedding blogs, I love helping to plan my friends’ weddings, I love going to friends’ weddings. They just make me daftly happy!
  • Inspiring business planning with Lou at the weekend – I think between us we might do the kick starting we’re not really managing alone while working full time and juggling all our other commitments.
  • Skating – see previous post, I think I have a new addiction!
  • Daft girlie films – Legally Blondes, Aquamarine, Glee…
  • My blue hair had its first outing and got lots of compliments, this made me happy šŸ™‚
  • Slapa 2! For those not in the know, Slapa was lovely Les’s car (yep, an MR2, how did you guess?!) which sadly met her demise on a corner in Tuscany… she rolled. Les and Anne got out unhurt but Slapa is no more. This made me incredibly sad, but yesterday they posted that they’ve found a new Slapa, she’s silver and can have the plate transferred – so they’ll be at CAE with a ‘2! šŸ˜€
  • Christina Perri. I have a bit of a (unrealistic, as I don’t do tattoos lol)Ā style crush and I love Jar of Hearts. Which I very much wasn’t expecting to! Adore the dress she’s wearing in the video as well!
  • The Pinup Body workout. I’ve not been to one of these yet, but Naomi happened to mention it and it looks amazing! Definitely on my to-do list šŸ™‚
  • A new member for Etc Collective, on the strength of our exhibition – can’t really put into words how happy this makes me. However this also means the pressure is on to find a new exhibition space!
  • My vintage duvet cover – it’s absolutely gorgeous! And fits my floral/vintage room perfectly… and is so much better quality than I could buy new. And has withstood three hot washes without shrinking or damaging or fading. Perfect.

Busy, busy, busy

I’m sure life has got more mad since I started blogging about it! I’m very aware I still need to sort out the header for this blog and switch my links and thinks across from the Blogger account they’re currently pointing to. I hear Blogger’s had some problems – I haven’t actually posted there in well over a month so am hoping I won’t have lost anything; massively sympathise with those who blog regularly and may have lost stuff though, it’s not good.

I spent a lot of time with otherĀ cars like this last weekend… (that’s me with Poppy, my car) drove (roof down in the dark, it was faaaaaabulous) up to Nottingham after work on Friday (my London colleagues definitely think I’m mental now if they didn’t before; the majority of them don’t have cars and they cannot understand why I’d do that!), and drove across to Wrexham for my car club’s Spring Ding Day on Saturday. Went in his car not mine, which was absolutely fine until we started lining up cars for photos, then I wished I’d brought Poppy with me (not least because for once she was actually cleanish!) But was great to be a passenger – you’d think I’d never seen a sports car before, let alone own one *blush*.

We defeated the rain and got there in one piece, had a gorgeous day chatting and drooling over each others’ cars and going for drives – and then instead of taking me for a drive, lovely Phil let me drive his S2000 which ticked off one of the things on my List… it’s the one on the right for those of you less car-addicted than me šŸ™‚

Then we got out some string, and spent lots of time shouting instructions at each other. The result?


(Stole these photos from Lynne, I’ll get mine up in next couple of days but am stranded minus camera or card reader at Mum & Dad’s this weekend!)

Yeah… I love my car and the people in my club šŸ˜€ We’re all ridiculous about our cars, but it’s a great atmosphere, everyone’s friendly regardless of whether you’re a new owner or a veteran, and I’m definitely in the inner circle now – I get insulted with a smile! šŸ™‚

This weekend I’m on my way to the Pitt-Rivers museum in Oxford to see the Wilfred Thesiger Africa exhibition, long journey there and back but I think it’ll be really good.

So I should probably head for bed – sweet dreams all!

PS I’ve discovered and become addicted to Pinterest – more on that later!

One day in May

Today in May I had the most hideous migraine… I am unimpressed! Had to take the day off work and lie sadly in a dark room for most of the day – couldn’t have TV on, couldn’t read, couldn’t look at my computer… the light made me flinch šŸ™ Only dragged myself outside to go to Asda when I realised I had no more painkillers! Feeling marginally better now but heading to bed very shortly, I’m still not 100% and I have to go in tomorrow, I have so much to do!

I had a glorious car-filled weekend and have come back much happier, calmer and ready to deal with whatever life and the job have to throw at me. Which is a feeling I haven’t had for a very long time – it’s amazing, I feel like I’m finally myself again! Have committed to doing the Rat Rally in September – more about this to follow but it’s going to be SO much fun… and I shall be blogging between now and then and all the way through the rally itself!

On theĀ craft side of things I have finally finished the Checks and Roses website! is live and I hope we’ll have confirmation of our first stall soon – it’s very exciting!

Work is completely insane but when it’s calmed down a bit I’ll post some more šŸ™‚